The beginning of a long road.

2 min readMar 2, 2021

I want to take this essay to thank my mentors and the academy staff to help me through this process to finally become part of the Encora team and more importantly to help me to realize that I really love what I’m doing. Seriously you help me more than you think.

Well what I’ve learned during the process, here we go, always be aware of remembering all the foundations of OOP, SOLID, data structures, Big O notation, testing, and design patterns and architectures then you just need to translate your “solution into another language”.

Looking back to the first weeks of the Academy process make me realized all the things that I learned during the process not only on the tech side also the social one, be part of a team and be able to communicate your ideas and give and receive feedback and learn how to work from it, also all the good practices during interviews and even feel comfortable answering I don’t know but I can learn about it those are definitely things that are gonna stick with me during the rest of this journey. Always keep learning different things and learn from people that know more also when the time comes always be there to share your knowledge this is not a lonely path unlike a lot of people think.

Be proud of the code that you write at the moment, you always going to learn something new from it, maybe a few months or years later probably you’re gonna hate it because at that point you are going to have more knowledge and probably came up with a better solution but is a continuous process, no matter how much you study something new always appear in this field. Try to know why you are using x or y, look how it works under the hood and through the experience be able to identify when to use what and why.

So now that I know I’m in the right path, I want to keep going and see how far I’ll go and also a good lesson during this process and pandemic times was take care of yourself and your loved ones you need to find a good balance in professional and personal time, your hobbies are quite important as well, they help you to clear your mind and also are a part of you and who you are.


